pre-PS(the "memories" r messed up, [v2] says its the demo, and so on, so wat the link say here, is wat it really is) this similar to my last post exept it has all his music, whos music? SuperMusic's so, ill start off with the "Memories" ;
Mac8 - Memories [Final]
Mac8 - Memories [v2]
Mac8 - Memories [v3]
Mac 8 - Memories (DEMO)
and now... the "Doritos" ;
Doritos (Spicy)
Doritos (WTF?)
the "Fade Away" series, the easiest to memorize (not because there r lyrics in the "Author Comments" box ;
Fade Away (DEMO)
Mac8 - Fade Away [Final]
now, all the ones that dont have a copy or 2nd version ;
Paragon X9's Gender
I'd Love to Change the World
Don't Turn Away (DEMO)
PS( Super, im not a suck-up, just for ur info, ur hero, thats why)
PSS(i will update withe the second version Don't Turn Away)
i also forgot about his first acount, MusicalSerenity, he has subitted only 1 song to that accousnt, and it is a demo, so i will keep u guys in contact of the new version
Sounds of the World (DEMO)all tho it might sound weird at first, the talking wears off, and u will of corse, love it, and if u dont, THEN COME TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
U BETTER DOWNLOAD MAPLESTORY*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!