ok.... theres this girl at my school i rly rly rly rly rly like...
now my friend pj (playerpj1256) told her, then next period, she giggled and said "pj told me.." and i siad"ya.." and i laughed back. then i couldnt get up enough courage to ask here out, but it seemed like she liked me too, all i need is advice.......
my main fear is rejection and making a fool of myslef. if lost so much credibility over the years, and at skool, im the "fat kid" its just hard and wat rly burns me is next period, my friends were making fun of me cause they thought that she was ugly. AND WAT I DONT GET, IS HOW U AUTO MATICALLY GET THE RIGHT TO MAKE FUN OF THE GIRL U LOVE, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and thats wat ruined my day, i couldnt think straight, and if i was, i was thinking about her (paige
I'll give you my normal shpeal in just a second... just got to find it first